![incoming_mail_posta24 image incoming_mail_posta24 Online app | incoming post online | POSTA24.eu | ELYOTT](/images/yootheme/incoming_mail_posta24.png)
Incoming post administration at POSTA24.eu
Manage your incoming correspondence of your company in transparent ONLINE application.
No more lost mails or mess in your consignments!
You have now your company correspondence under control.
The building, in which the virtual office services are provided, is in PROPERTY OF OUR COMPANY so you won't experience any complications in the future, as it is common at some competitors!
Thus we can afford to our clients an unbeatable and convenient LIFELONG ADDRESS service!
What is POSTA24.eu?
It is an online application, through which our client can browse and manage his incoming mails of his company from anywhere in the world. Our virtual office services are provided at address Klincova 37/B, 821 08 Bratislava.
Within the online system of POSTA24.eu our client gets:
- transparent list of incoming correspondence
- date of delivery, sender, type of shipment
- immediate notification via e-mail message about received post
- photo of received shipment, which is always in attach of e-mail notification and also is in online system
- possibility of scanning shipments on demand
- forwarding delivered post to desired address in agreed intervals
- possibility of immediate post forwarding on another day since delivery
- post shredding
- current state of paid credit, from which the services are deducted
- possibility of online credit payment for our services via payment gate - Visa, Mastercard, Paypal (coming soon)
Do you like our offer?
Slovak virtual office with online app POSTA24.eu order - step by step
Simple steps how to order or new Slovak virtual office services.
1. Objednávka
Vyplňte prosím buď NEZÁVÄZNÚ objednávku alebo ZÁVÄZNÚ objednávku uvedenú nižšie, alebo nás telefonicky kontaktujte. Následne Vám zašleme e-mail, ktorý bude obsahovať zoznam údajov potrebných pre zriadenie virtuálneho sídla na Slovensku. -
2. Príprava
Po obdržaní údajov Vám naši odborníci zabezpečia prípravu kompletných listín. Jedná sa hlavne o dokumentáciu súvisiacu so zriadením virtuálneho sídla, ktorú Vám zašleme so všetkými potrebnými inštrukciami. -
3. Komunikácia
Po podpísaní dokumentov zabezpečíme komunikáciu s úradmi ako je obchodný register, okresný úrad odbor živnostenského podnikania, daňový úrad, alebo ostatné služby podľa vašich požiadaviek. -
4. Odovzdanie
Odovzdáme Vám kompletnú dokumentáciu, vrátane výpisu z Obchodného registra s vašim novým sídlom a Vy môžete začať podnikať.
Non-binding order form Smart and easy online form
If you do like our offer, please fill in the non-binding - online order form. It is very simple and easy, it won't take more than 2 minutes.
Contact us Direct contact
Please call us at (+421) 948 600 200, or write your request to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We are looking forward to our cooperation!