List of Czech ready-made companies
Do you immediately need to purchase Czech ready-made company with VAT number, which is Czech VAT payer?
In case that you need to start your business in Czech republic, you can purchase Czech ready-made company, which is either VAT payer or non-VAT payer. We offer our ready-made companies for very competitive prices. Registration of the company at the Business register, including stamp duty is included in the price.
Recently we have the following Czech ready-made companies prepared for immediate sale:
Company name | Info | Address | Founded | VAT payer | Price | Status |
Non-VAT payer s.r.o. | CZ | 2025 | no | 499 € | Order | |
GreyHound solutions s.r.o. | CZ | 2025 | no | 499 € | Order | |
SmartUP Bohemia s.r.o. | CZ | 2025 | no | 499 € | Order | |
Mayden Finance s.r.o. | CZ | 2022 | no | 649 € | Order | |
VAT payer s.r.o. (EU) | CZ | 2025 | YES | 1.499 € | Order | |
VAT payer s.r.o. (CZ) | CZ | 2025 | YES | 3.999 € | Order |
We have available dozens of companies.
Do not hesitate to contact us for current offer.
Do you like our offer?
Purchase of Czech ready-made company - step by step
Simple steps how to purchase your new Czech company.
1. krok | Objednávka
Vyplňte prosím buď NEZÁVÄZNÚ objednávku alebo ZÁVÄZNÚ objednávku uvedenú nižšie, alebo nás telefonicky kontaktujte. Následne Vám zašleme e-mail, ktorý bude obsahovať zoznam údajov potrebných pre uskutočnenie predaja slovenskej ready-made spoločnosti.2. krok | Príprava
Po obdržaní údajov Vám budú prostredníctvom advokátskej kancelárie vyhotovené všetky potrebné dokumenty. Jedná sa hlavne o dokumentáciu súvisiacu s predajom spoločnosti, ktorá Vám bude zaslaná so všetkými potrebnými inštrukciami.3. krok | Komunikácia
Po podpísaní dokumentov advokátska kancelária zabezpečí zápis zmien v spoločnosti na obchodnom registri.4. krok | Odovzdanie
Po vykonaní zápisu zmien v spoločnosti Vám bude odovzdaná kompletná dokumentácia, vrátane výpisu z Obchodného registra a Vy môžete začať podnikať.
Non-binding order form Smart and easy online form
If you do like our offer, please fill in the non-binding - online order form. It is very simple and easy, it won't take more than 2 minutes.
Contact us Direct contact
Please call us at (+421) 948 600 200, or write your request to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We are looking forward to our cooperation!
The price for Czech ready-made company includes:
- professional consultation, comprehensive advice
- all documents necessary to transfer the shares of the Czech ready-made company
- notary services
- registration the changes in the company at the commercial register, including stamp duty
- new company Extract from Business register
- income tax number and CZ VAT/EU VAT number (the status of the VAT payer)
Simplicity and speed!
- fast and trouble-free sale of the company within 1 day
- just ID card (or passport) together with criminal record needs to be submitted
- you don't have to travel anywhere, everything can be processed remotely without personal visit
- we are also ready to meet with you in our office in Bratislava, Komarno, Brno or Prague!
Additional costs and services!
- notary fees for signatures
- notarial deed (change of company's structure, name of the company, registered address)
- bilingual document preparation (bilingual documents, optional, only on client's instruction)
- official translation of documents from foreign language into Slovak (if necessary)
Related and additional services:
Registered seat Exclusive address
Post evidence Online application
- registered seat and virtual office services in Prague, Brno or other Czech cities
- bookkeeping services
- bank account opening assistance
- incorporation of a foreign company
- permanent or temporary residence permit in Prague
- car registration and all services related to it