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Electronic Data boxes - receiving messages

Do you need to manage the Data box of your existing Slovak company?

Message management of Slovak electronic Data box for foreign statutory bodies (directors).


All Slovak companies must have their electronic Data boxes activated at portal for receiving official decisions and messages. 

Data boxes for all companies are activated since July 1st 2017.

Since this date it is very important for all directors to be able to manage their Electronic Data box, otherwise they are not informed about incoming and received messages of the company!

Access to electronic data boxes is ensured via Central Government Portal

Who can access electronic Data box?

Access is available only for company directors. Director need for access Slovak ID card with activated chip or ID card of residence permit in Slovakia or Alternative authenticator for persons without residence permit in Slovakia with activated chip and a smart card reader.

If all directors of your company are foreign citizens without resident in Slovakia or you are not for any reason able to ensure access to electronic Data box of your company, please contact us, we will ensure access to electronic Data box under power of attorney.


How much is management of Slovak Data box?

How much is management of Slovak Data box? Best prices for Slovak data box

Our prices for managing Slovak Data box messages are fair and transparent. You won't experience any hidden fees, you always know how much you pay for any service with us.


Start your business immediately with ready-made company!

Start your business immediately with ready-made company! Companies with VAT available!

You don't have enough time for establishing a new company? Start your business immediately with Slovak ready-made company! We can offer you Slovak ready-made company with VAT, or non-VAT payer. All our ready-made companies have no trading history, but if you are interested, we have also companies with trading history available.



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Management of Electronic Data box of Slovak company - step by step

Simple steps how to manage Electronic Data box of Slovak company.

  • 1. Objednávka

    1. Objednávka

    Vyplňte prosím buď NEZÁVÄZNÚ objednávku alebo ZÁVÄZNÚ objednávku uvedenú nižšie, alebo nás telefonicky kontaktujte. Následne Vám zašleme e-mail, ktorý bude obsahovať zoznam údajov potrebných pre nastavenie príjmu správ do dátovej schránky Vašej spoločnosti.
  • 2. Príprava

    2. Príprava

    Po obdržaní údajov Vám naši odborníci zabezpečia prípravu kompletných listín. Jedná sa hlavne o dokumentáciu súvisiacu s nastavením prístupu do Vašej dátovej schránky, ktorú Vám zašleme so všetkými potrebnými inštrukciami.
  • 3. Nastavenie a komunikácia

    3. Nastavenie a komunikácia

    Po podpísaní dokumentov zabezpečíme nastavenie prístupu do Vašej dátovej schránky a zabezpečíme, aby všetky doručené správy boli preposielané na Vami zadanú e-mailovú adresu. O všetkom ste informovaní.
  • 4. Preposielanie správ

    4. Preposielanie správ

    Každá doručená správa do Vašej dátovej schránky je Vám preposlaná na Vami zadanú e-mailovú adresu.

Non-binding order form

Non-binding order form Smart and easy online form

If you do like our offer, please fill in the non-binding - online order form. It is very simple and easy, it won't take more than 2 minutes.


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Contact us Direct contact

Or you can contact us directly via phone or e-mail so we can start to process your order!

Please call us at (+421) 948 600 200, or write your request to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We are looking forward to our cooperation!


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